Agriscience Research SAE Program

The FFA Agriscience Research SAE program recognizes middle and high school students who are studying the application of scientific principles and technologies in agricultural enterprises. Areas of participation closely mirror those of the International Science and Engineering Fair but reflect an agricultural theme. |
Categories include: Animal Systems (AS), Environmental Services/Natural Resource Systems (ENR), Food Products and Processing Systems (FPP), Plant Systems (PS), Power, Structural and Technical Systems (PST) and Social Science (SS).
Honorary American Degree
National FFA relies on the support of exceptional teachers, individuals and companies to provide life-changing experiences for its members. Nominations from Georgia for the Honorary American Degree are handled through the Georgia FFA Office.
Honorary State Degree
The Honorary State FFA Degree is the highest Honorary Degree offered on the state level, and it is presented annually by the Georgia FFA Association at the Georgia FFA Convention.
Middle School Record Books
The Middle School SAE Awards Program recognizes outstanding SAE programs for FFA members in
grades 6, 7, and 8.
National Chapter Award
The National Chapter Application and state Chapter Achievement Award recognize outstanding chapters. To be recognized as Superior, a chapter must complete Form I; to be recognized as Bronze, Silver or Gold on the state level and as three, two or one star on the national level a chapter must complete Form II.
National FFA Week Observance
The National FFA Week Observance Award recognizes those chapters who have successfully and
productively utilized FFA week in their Program of Activities.
Proficiency Awards
The Proficiency Award Program recognizes students for outstanding Supervised Agriculture Experience
Star Awards
The State Star award program is designed to recognize the most outstanding agriscience, placement, agribusiness and production based supervised agricultural experience (SAE) programs among all State FFA Degree recipients in a given year.