Ag Sales Registration Deadline
Posted by South Region
Date: 1/13/2025
On the Area level, the Agricultural Sales CDE will consist of 2 parts.
• individual sales presentations
• exam
Written Exam (120 points each = total of 480 points available per
The written exam is designed to evaluate an individual’s knowledge of
sales skills. The exam will consist of questions from the references listed in
these guidelines. The exam will be thirty (30) multiple choice questions, and
students will have forty-five (45) minutes to complete the exam. Each
question is valued at 4 points (30 questions x 4 points = 120 points).
Individual Sales Presentation (150 points each = total of 600 points available per team)
Product(s) and client information will be shared with participants at least one month prior to the
Area CDE. Four specific customer profiles will exist. Each team member will present to one
specific client profile. Participants will directly sell the product(s) to judge(s). The judge(s) will fit
the customer profiles identified prior to the CDE. The judge(s) will act as a real customer which
may include not buying the product. Participants will have to establish rapport with the customer
and ask probing questions to ensure they meet the customer’s needs. Participants will have ten
(10) minutes to interact with the judge(s).
Participants will be limited to the use of a single 1-inch, 3-ring binder and materials that will fit in
the binder during the Individual Oral Sales Presentation. Other than a standard calculator, no
electronic devices or other props will be used during the individual oral sales presentation.
Each participant is responsible for presenting one of the products. Team members may not
present the same scenario.
The top two scoring teams in the Area CDE will advance to the state CDE.