Each year in April, Agriculture Teachers are evaluated using their Georgia Agriculture Education Program of Work. Listed below are guidelines to help give clarity to school system administrators while conducting these evaluations.
Each teacher has an email and password that is connected to the Georgia Ag Education Website. This gives them access to the Program of Work and other Ag Ed and FFA related items. The website is https://georgiaffa.org/
Once the teacher is logged on, they should navigate to teacher reports, POW. Once this opens, you will see that there is a POW side (left) where all items should be checked, and an Evaluation side (right) where no items should be checked. It is the evaluation side that will be used.
You and the teacher should go item by item and put a check mark alongside those standards that the teacher “met” during the school year.
Once the evaluation is completed, click save. You should then print this document off so that the teacher and administrator can sign. Please scan and send a signed copy to your respective Ag Education Region Director. If there are standards that were not met, please include an explanation as to why. This is for items that are indicated by the Region Office as well as those that the teacher shows proof of.
North Region – Kaitlyn Marchant – kaitlyn.marchant@doe.k12.ga.us
Central Region – Chris Corzine – ccorzine@doe.k12.ga.us
South Region – Stacey Beacham – sbeacham@doe.k12.ga.us
Listed on the next pages is a short explanation of each of the POW items (standards) and what is required. They are listed by Middle School, High School, and Young Farmer since each have a few differences. Some of these items are monitored by the region office and will be sent to the teacher indicating whether the standard has been met or not. These items are highlighted below. Those that are not highlighted are items that the teacher/system is responsible for presenting supporting information of meeting that item (standard).